Tsukuba University Elementary School  Teacher visit

Tsukuba University Elementary School Teacher-led workshop and Research Lesson

10th and 11th October 2024 

This event has been made possible by a grant from the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation.

Following two years of hosting teachers from Tsukuba University attached Elementary School* in Cambridge, we are hosting a similar event this year in Devon.

There are two parts to the event:

Geometric reasoning: progression in the teaching of properties of figures within the Japanese curriculum

This workshop will explore how understanding of the properties of figures builds across the grades in Japan. This will provide a curriculum context for the lesson on 11th October and an opportunity to reflect on curriculum coherence in an often neglected aspect of the maths curriculum. The workshop will include an open discussion about how such a progression can be taught in multi-grade classes, the challenges and potential solutions, both within Japanese and English contexts.

Y3/4 lesson focussed on understanding properties of figures

One of the visiting teachers will teach the Y3/4 class observed by visitors. This will be preceded by a pre-lesson discussion, where questions arising from the plan for the lesson can be discussed, and followed by a post-lesson discussion where observations about the impact of teaching decision on the learners will be discussed.


Cost: £25 for one event, £40 for both events

 To attend, please complete this form.

*You can find some information about Tsukuba University Elementary School here: https://www.tsukuba.ac.jp/en/about/organization-attached-schools/elementary-school/