Roles and responsibilities

There are a number of key roles that people involved in CLR need to identify and make sure that someone is responsible for making things work.
  • The coordinator. Most successful CLR groups have a single coordinator (or this may be a job-share between two people). Their role is to identify and invite participants and assign responsibilities. They need to come up with a schedule of meetings - including where and when the research lesson will take place and make sure that as many as possible from the group can attend.
  • An outside 'expert'. This 'expert' should be well grounded in research on the research issue and also have experience of teaching and working with teachers. This person could, for example, be involved in initial teacher education in an HE institution.
Working with other schools.
It can be particularly powerful to work with a cluster of schools - maybe as part of a Multi-Academy Trust
Three schools can form a manageable cluster. It is helpful if these are neighbouring schools with which the coordinator already has some relationship. It is important to identify a lead teacher within each school. This is the person who will organise the research lessons within each school. This lead teacher will identify a few colleagues who will also take part in the lesson study. So there will be a small number of teachers in each school taking part.Roles and Responsibilities:
  • Planning research lessons. Each school in the cluster may be responsible for planning up to one research lesson per term; aiming to have three research lessons spread over the year. These lessons can then planned by up to three teachers in the same school, working in consultation with the outside expert. 
  • Teaching research lessons. One teacher from the planning team is responsible for teaching the lesson. Each teacher will therefore teach at most one research lesson per year.
  • Observing and analysing research lessons. Each teacher and the outside expert will be invited to each of the research lessons. The resulting analysis of each lesson will be the responsibility of the planning team within the school in which it was held.

Finding out more

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