Research lesson plans
"The Japanese term for the document created for a research lesson is gakushushido-an (学習指導案), which is usually translated as “lesson plan”. ....we prefer the phrase “lesson proposal”, because the document is much larger and broader in scope than what is usually meant by “lesson plan”. Also the word “plan” may imply a fixed script, but in Japanese Lesson Study the teacher is expected to use his or her judgment if students respond in unanticipated ways."
Fujii, T. (2016). Designing and adapting tasks in lesson planning: a critical process of Lesson Study. ZDM Mathematics Education, 48(4). doi:10.1007/s11858-016-0770-3.
The quote above from an expert in Japanese Lesson Study draws attention to how the plan for a research lesson is more than a brief lesson plan. this is because it seeks to answer a specific question or questions that the CLR group have in relation to their teaching and students' learning. It should have been developed in relation to an overarching research theme that is guiding the work of the group.
Typically a research lesson plan/proposal includes:
1. A clear indication of the unit of work that the lesson is part of with references to the curriculum specification and/or scheme of work.
2. Unit objectives
3. Details of the overarching research theme
4. The focus of this lesson in relation to to prior and subsequent learning
5. A brief overview of the characteristics of the group of students
6. Research question(s) for the lesson
7. Plan for the research lesson
The lesson plans that were used as part of the CfEM randomised controlled trials can be found here.
The lesson plan for the LeMaPS Outbreak problem solving lesson can be found here.
This is research lesson is referred to throughout this toolkit and a detailed overview are all collected <<here>>
You may also find the CLR-UK research lesson bank useful.
These may give you a sense of the level of detail that should be aimed for.
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